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About Blackline Simulations

What Is Blackline simulations?

Blackline produces an immersive roleplaying experience. You take on the role of intelligence officers and tactical teams as they work to uncover and eliminate threats in the world around you.
We've been creating an alternate reality full of spies and clandestine activities since 2016. We take elements from real-life espionage stories and special operations actions. Then we blend them with familiar gameplay mechanics and cinematic drama to create a unique, one of a kind experience. 
It's as if Jason Bourne and Tom Clancy had an escape room baby.


Sean is the founder of Blackline, and has had over 20 years of  experience creating immersive experiences and military simulations in Canada. Blackline Simulations is headquartered in the Niagara region of Southern Ontario. He's formally educated in Lean and Six Sigma. He designs events to teach continuous improvement, leadership, teamwork, and communications.


He relies on a core group of regular participants, volunteers, and enthusiasts who have a passion for realistic espionage and tactical simulations to bring these events to life.

Why Was Blackline Created?

We were tired of participating in airsoft and military simulation events that didn't focus on realism. Those events penalize people that want to use real tactics, employ practical skills, use equipment authentically, or spend time planning.
We wanted real consequences for our actions. We wanted failure to be a real possible outcome. 
At Blackline Simulations, you can expect a blend between reality and event that is as seamless as we can make it. Intelligence is real, the enemy is everywhere, and your ability to perform will make a real difference to the outcome of the event.


The Canadian Special Operations community is not often featured in films and books, yet their work is equally as daring as other elite military operators around the world. Recognizing this, and also recognizing that sometimes the most difficult missions start once service ends, Blackline donates some of its profits to three organizations. 


These organizations are dedicated to supporting the men and women who have put themselves in harms way to serve our country.


Blackline gives what it can, when it can, and encourages those who believe in these causes to do the same. See our charities below.

How Can I Get involved?

We offer a variety of roles for players based on experience, equipment, and capability!


If you own airsoft equipment, you may find yourself on a tactical team raiding a building. Are you a drone pilot? We can deploy you as aerial surveillance. Are you into communications and espionage? Join a foot team tracking a spy through the city.


Our events combine elements from multiple disciplines to create an intense experience. Your dedication to your piece of the mission has real impacts on operation success.


You'll be part of something much more significant than you know.

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